
CamwHorinG lah.. what else do u expect when u only have ur HP and ur camera with u... no books or magz to be read maa....huhu

wondering what i'm waiting for...?

This is what i'm waiting at... (Lama giler nk berlepas..)

This is why... mummy is leaving us for the whole week!!~ :'(

THere.. but not jusT there... she's going to PadanG...
With whoM?

Them... minus those 2 young lady in bLack... (they just lurve interframing..huhu)
and This me and MoM...

Bila daa mak kau nak balik? Aku nak jugak kasut converse.
ntah mak aku.. kata ahad.. pastu kata rabu.. aku pn da penin ni... bila nk g amek dia ntah..
suh transfer duit lg lak tu.. celah mna nk bg dia wit..akekeke
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