i'm not a good homemaker..
i can't cook..
i can't clean up the house..
i can't even fold the clothes neatly..
i can't even manage myself..
how can i be a good homemaker?
it's been a week me and mom wasn't at home..
nothing much in the fridge to be cook..
it took a while before i decide to actually cook..
no fresh vegetable .. no meat or anything else other than couple of fishes..
it remind me how i survive in campus..
illegally bring my rice cooker, me and my friend cook lots of meal..
we cook tom yum.. mushroom soup... fried rice.. cekodok.. porridge..
we even cook mee hun soup with that rice cooker..
pengalaman... pengalaman....
rendu pulak kt ukm.. kt chermai college...
being a student surely teach me lot's of thing..

Kentang goreng.. sangat senang di masak with rice cooker..
in fact we don't need fridge to keep the potato isn't it? huhu
wakaka, tak lepas lagi nak kawin ni..hehheee
hahaha tu lah pasal.
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