aku sangat malas mau kerja esok...
seriously i'm not in the mood to start working after about 2 weeks hanging around doing nothing..
2 weeks of holiday should be enough for me to refresh myself... but i never did..
true .. i'm not doing my official job..i'm resting from working... but my mind didn't...
it seem like my mind won't let my brain from taking the holiday...
i've been doing lots of thinking recently.. don't ask me what did i think about..
i didn't know how to answer that!!~
maybe i need a proper vacation where i spent my time alone peacefully in an island maybe?? haha
i'm counting days for the next school break...mwakakkaka..
My BuddieS anD I..!!~
-={LurvE Ya...}=-
-={LurvE Ya...}=-
Boyan,dah lame ko tak amik gambar budak RISDA..amik lahh gambo
haha.. ko panggil dwi balek pontian dlu..wakakaka
cik brat.. bile nk apdet blog ni? kuikuikui
x nyempat lah cik beskal..huhu
bahan ari2 ade... nak karang tu yang x nyempat..akekekek
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