Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
on the move..!!~ again..??

derita Merindu - AhLi FiQr...
enjoy each and every word...... (-_-')
Kau katakan cinta gunakan akal
Bila aku gunakan, kau yang menyangkal
Bagaimana nak kekal
Kau katakan cinta gunakan minda
Bila aku gunakan, kau yang tak percaya
Bagaimana nak bahagia
Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali
Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri
Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi
Menanti biar terus didustai
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu
Tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
Dan aku cuba sedaya upaya
Telah ku usaha dengan sepenuh jiwa
Bagaimana hendak ku lupa
bayangan wajahmu selalu di depan mata
harum baumu masih dapat ku hidu
Bagaimana ingin aku membencimu
Jikalau setiap hari merindu
Sekiranya derita merinduimu itu sebenarnya bahagia..
Aku pilih derita..
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
Mungkinkah esok atau lusa walau biarpun lama
Akan ku biar tiada ku tetap kan setia
Entah bila akan tiba sampai jua harimu yang sama
Esok seperti semalaman yang tak berubah
(Ulang) (2x)
Kaulah tanda tanya.. kau tiada titik noktah
Ku dibuai mimpi lena dikejut igau semula
Kaulah tanda tanya.. kau tiada titik noktah
Ku dibuai mimpi lena dikejut igau semula
Seandainya kau berada di depan mata
Mudah untuk aku berkata-kata
Supaya dapatku melihat seraut wajahmu
Walaupun belum tentu kau mahu bertemu
Apalagi memandangku
Setelah ku turutkan segala kemahuan kau mainkan perasaan
Begitu mudah kau ucapkan terimalah saja kenyataan..
Aku masih terkilan
Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali
Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri
Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi
Menanti biar terus didustai
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
Jika kau dapat memahami hati seorang perindu
Baru kau tahu derita hatiku
Jika suatu hari nanti giliran kau merindu
Baru kau ingat derita diriku
Segala yang berlaku bukan kemahuanku
Apa gunanya bahgia
Jikalau bahagia bersamamu hanyalah untuk sementara waktu
Aku pilih derita merinduimu
Maafmu tak bererti, kau mudah sesali
Berulang kali telah kau mungkiri
Manis mulut berjanji terpedaya lagi
Menanti biar terus didustai
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
Kaulah bahagia (bagiku)
Kaulah derita (bagimu)
Esok lusamu, tak ku kenal lagi engkau siapa
so sweeT... who said caNon and NikoN can't be together??!!~
This is a story from not long ago
about a boy and a girl who fell in love like whoa
but there was a problem I didn't count on
the fact I was a Canon and she was a Nikon
The photo community was too far gone
they couldnt appreciate what we had goin' on
we had similar features, made similar pictures
we really weren't that different but they still couldn't see
I auto focused on her sexy body
buttons to push didn't know where to get started
I never thought I'd fall for a D200
but she was so hot, she was all that I wanted
My 1DS mark III
felt more complete
when we were together she said my shots were so unique
But soon you'll see
we could never be
like Romeo and Juliette
our families disagreed
Ohh Ahh Polish my lens girl
oooahh polish my lens girl
ohh-ahh polish my lens girl
dont leave a thumb print on that lense girl
The two sides always at war
all across the message boards
Dpchallenge what the fuck yo
they could never let go
of the hate no thats for 'sho
the Nikon gang whooped my ass and made me go
The 70-200 in my pants wouldnt fit inside her Nikon body
made me wear a UV-filter, which I'm against, but shes my shawtay
Mount her on my tripod and screw her on and off and on again
make her take my picture and say I'm the best thats ever been
Cause I'm a Canon gangsta and your a Nikon shawtay
I wanna take a picture of that rockin bootay
We couldnt keep the act up we just had to face the facts
but hey look on the bright side at least we're not a Pentax
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Lalalalala.........!!!~ [tiada rahsia di BaLi...!!~]
it's been a quite some times since i last rambling here..
sangat tdak ade mood utk merapu..
it's a school holiday now.. and it's already started with a short visit to sg congkak for a photo-gathering a day before a wonderful holiday trip to bali with my sepang heroes... i'm thinking of start rambling again.. i'll try to spend couple of minutes rambling before signing in my facebook and yahoo messenger... (said "i'll try"... try meant "cuba" ok??..huhuh)
Last week i when for a trip to the wonderful island of Bali with my sepang heroes, Joe, Amin, Arul, Helmi and FadhiL (well fadhil is not exactly a sepang heroes but he can be anything babes.. a barong and hanuman also can..huhu).. it's my 1st time meeting helmi and arul but they're cool... seems like all of us been a close friends for ages although we're only meet up for couple of times..sangat bley masuk kepala... the trip can be categorized as a succesful trip since everyone seems satisfied with the well-plan iteanary...(credit for my aunt who get us the best tourist guide in Bali...i guess..hehe)..
i when to Bali with the intention to have fun.. unlike my sepang heroes... they when there for photo hunt! i don't give a damn of getting the best photo i could actually get there.. with one unit of my lovely munchkin, nikon attach to 18-55 f3.5-5.6 and 70-300 f4-5.6 as standby and a unit of canon 1D mk II (a generous someone lend me this unit and i need to explore it in 4 days) attached to 15mm fish eye and 24-70 f2.8 waiting to be use... i produced a rubbish... everyone even mom, b and aunts said that my pix are rubbish... they put a higher expectation on me... but all they see are rubbish... feeling frustrated with myself.. i put away my external harddisk and start grabbing a novel that i haven't finish reading since last year..hahaha.. untill the time i'm writing this article.. i haven't even finish reading one page..haha.. i open up the novel..then close it.. i stare at my external hdd.. thinking of uploading my pix... then i lost interest...i'm browsing my facebook... then i ignoring it... daymnnn i really started to feel the frustration... if only i could turn back time .. i probably gonna capture as much pix i could with my munchkin... my tiny d40x.. feel bad ..really bad.. coz that generous someone lend me his camera and expecting an eye-catching pix from his 1D mk II... all i gave him was a rubbish.. i wasted his shutter released for nothing.. sgt teruk kan?? i even drop his battery pack.. x psal2 cacat battery beliau.. i'm sucks!!~
i hope i could do better in jakarta-bandung this 18-21 dec.. (got a family trip there with mom, aish and uya + aunts and cousins...) i'll try to capture better pix there lor...but............ bandung is a shopping heaven....i wanna go shopping come?? shopping and photo-hunt can't mix lor..huhu..owh forgot... i suddah sengkek.. cannot go shopping anymore :'( ....
before bandung-jakarta trip there will be a mersing holiday gathering with my ippm bff.. and a klantan - trengganu trip sponsored by my school..(sponsor tambang je pun..yang laen sendri gak...huh).. harap2 smua plan jadik lah.. aiyo.. i need lots of money right now..!!!~ any ideas of getting an instant money??? urgent reply needed!!~ hahaha..
extra note :
today i get a surprise visit from someone.. i thought it's was a joke when he said he's coming to have lunch with me.. so i'm ignoring him.. by the time i'm buying his invitation he's already waiting in front of my house... poor him, he need to wait more than half an hours (i guess) for me to have shower and getting ready..wkakakaka..amaran keras to all my friends.. len kali x yah lah surprise2 kalau xmo menunggu... hahaha.. thanx babes for the lunch..!
p/s: napa aq rasa rapuan aku kali berterabur??? hahaha
Monday, October 5, 2009
what the heck..[notes from my facebook]
masih ade kah diskriminasi size zaman skang ni?
i don't give a damn about me being fat as long as i am healthy.. but this kinda question i rarely heard's kinda funny too..
yesterday my friend got this question from his friend
"Brat tu gemok ke?"
sentap kawan aku dgr soalan dr kawn dia yang x knal aku tu.. is that a polite question to ask about a person who u didn't really know? mcam da xde soalan lain jer nak intro tanya pasal aku...macam tanya org tengah basuh keta
"tengah watpe tu? basuh keta ke?"
aku yang terang2 gumok ni dia bley tanya size aku? hello.. go do some research lah if u want to know about me.. my pix is everywhere lah dude.. u can see how ugly i am.. how fat i am from my friends uploads.. in fact most of ur friend knew me.. pg lah tgk page diorg..
meh lah sini aku tolong jawab kan..
wakakaka lmao
p/s: don't hate me cause a big fat ugly gurl like me makes more friends than u do..atau anda rasa tergugat saya kenal most of ur friend dear?? dude wake up lah.. i'm fat.. i don't give a damn if people want to talk about my size or else behind my back..
i gave away a sincere friendship..terpulang lh kalau maseh ade yang making fun of me.. xde modal nak sembang kot diorg2 tu..wakakakak lmao
x guna berkawan kalau x ikhlas dan bermuka-muka....
Monday, August 24, 2009
10 sebab knapa sy x suka inchek...
10 things i hate about you
1 . i hate the way you talk to me and the way u cut your hair
2 . i hate the way you drive my car (i mean ur car)
3 . i hate it when you stare
4 . i hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind
5 . i hate you so much it makes me sick it even makes me run
6 . i hate the way you’re always right
7 . i hate it when you LIE
8 . i hate it when you make me laugh even worse when you make me cry
9 . i hate it when you’re not around and the fact that you didn’t call
10 . but mostly i hate the way i don’t hate you not even close... not even a little bit.. not even at all....
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
~ Happy Birthday to Yana Harmila~
this is from my buddy noghull..
thanx babes,,
though it's been a difficult time for me lately u're always there..
thanx for ur love and concern...
luy u babes...
29 !!~
happy kah aku?
sedey kah?
don't what to feel..
don't know what to do..
munchkin ..where r u...
[tq for everything (-_-')]
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
the worst day after 9 years...
The theme was "emotional dysfunction".. majoring in "broken hearted days before my birthday".. a perfect gift for an old lady like me huh? hahaha
earlier today i meant to write about something else.. but before i could actually write it, i get a major nerves breakdown due to my silliness... my intention to improve the relation that i'm into.. the gut i get of being honest and straight to the point was misunderstood i guess.. the good part was drown by the bad thing i did to get the prove... haha..and the other side was never want to sit back and discuss it over..
dear.. didn't i'm the one who supposed to get upset more than u do? why did u make this looks like i'm guiltier than u? ...
to be continue... the hand was too shaky to write...have to wipe out the bleed on my heart first i guess...huh..
wo ai ta.. sangat!
sangat upset!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
to whom?
or to what?
can't tell!
not yet to be told!
miss the old days...
what about nowadays?
don't know!
seem like it!
Rendu lagi..
is it mutual?
wasn't it?
erk... it is dulu!
but now.. didn't know!
guo nian. xian sheng.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
18-55mm je
me and ayie from azam..
i can't download this image so the only i can do is to blog this..huhu
selamat petang cikgu!!~
last friday..sangat buhsan..
i'm supposed to fetch dewi at pontian untill she called me up and cancel the original plan.. then she ring me up again ask me and z to wait for her at batu pahat.. as we changed our way she sent a sms and changed the plan again.. huh.. as we expected... hahaha
feeling frustrated i decided to have a unplanned visit to sawah sagil.. z has nothing to disagree with my suggestion.. she said once we escaped from the house let's make it worth it..wakakaka.. (that's my word actually..huhu)..
i ring ayie up asking permission from him to visit Sawah sagil... FIY Sawah sagil is under his territory...wakakakakaka.
as i arrived at the paddy field ayie was no where to be found.. so i decided to visit the old mango tree we used to hang out.. couple of minutes after that ayie came on his bike with his beloved D'nooty..
considering that azam live quite far from sawah sagil i didn't ask him to join us.. as this wasn't a well plan visit.. but ayie didn't think so.. he as azam to came along joining us that evening.. poor azam.. he had to ride couple miles just to accompany me decreasing my shutter release...hahaha i appreciated it though..
and here are some pix of me and z from azam n ayie lens...
thanx guys..
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
bOrN RaisEd & StrAp

haha.. tHis is another masterpiece from azam the redcili..
the best ever..
i like...
Monday, July 20, 2009
I got the 'Power"??!!~ haha
after hanging around at Rakan Muda Karnival yesterday ayie, azam and I went to Pantai Perpat Laut for a Tag along with Jas & areteam.. i'm not in the mood of shooting the newly wed couple...
As azam playing around with my d40x + 70-300mm lens and i'm trying to finish up the film in my f55 we have this "i captured you...You captured me' situation... and this is from azam view and ideas.. he ask me to hold the bulb and told me to pose like and old lady as i'm holding the stick in my hand.. i've emailed him several image he wanted and he decided to come out with this one.. see how electromagnetic i am.. i can light up a bulb babes (^_^)/ LOL...wkaakkakak
Sunday, July 19, 2009
adoi hai..
skali aku kena candid dah..
bila kamera suddah di tangan...
mood untuk menembak suddah mari..
aq x pernah amek tau apa yang berlaku di sekeliling..
x pernah nak amek tau people are looking at me and waiting for the perfect moment to candid me.. hahaha
this is what happen when i didn't alert of someone like eshazli while outing with my buddy...hahaha
Friday, July 17, 2009
me and the new member..
from MNJ's view.
saying hi to my flickr buddy sang pencinta ratu for the 1st time..
while hanging around with SPR and his friend zahira ...azman n zonedesign, MNJ pointing his lens on us.. as usual my 'tindakan refleks' ..jelir lidah...!!~ wakakakka
Group Photo Malacca Street Outing
group photo for saturday outing..
half of them are already went home.. this is the rest who stay..
thanx all for the fun time.. appreciate the knowledge and friendship gained..
looking forward to be with u guys again...huhu
pic cilok from huda pancit's flickr who cilok from eshazli's page..huhu
Black Parade
this is from m_rizal view...
event: malacca outing..
date : July 11th 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
aLLerGy.. oh ALLerGy..!!~
LasT saturday i went to the mall .. once i step into the mall and started to feel the freezing air condition.. my palm started to get itchy.I went there again yesterday i still face the same problem...this time my feet get itchy i made up the is because the poor ventilation..
but today i started realising that my conclusion was totally wrong.. i bought an ice cream from a student (malaysian style ice cream).. once i hold the the ice cream my palm started to get itchy.. this time worse than before..i scratched & rub the palm until it become warmer.. the itchness is gone but the palm is getting a little bit swollen..and numb..
since i was a kid i rarely gone to the doctor ..unless i can't stand the pain.. so i ask my mom whom a nurse about my problem.. and she said
"tu nama nye allergy sejuk.."
i was like..
"what? allergy sejuk? boley plak ? ade gak penyakit tu eh?"
all i know is i do suffer from allergy but only to dust and some food...and not this 'allergy sejuk'.. yes, it's true .. i can't stand cold weather but never get itchy maa...i sit back and started to remember .."oh... now i remember..!" i do face this problem several time before... it's just become worse..
do i have to go for an official medical diagnosis?
p/s: a blanket or at least a jacket and a pair of socks is a must for me everytime i went to sleep.. huhu.. (plus watching Tv in the living room.. i hate it when my bro put on the aircond to the max..haha)
Monday, June 15, 2009
maRi maKan Patin..
seriously i didn't do cooking..
i'm sucks in cooking..
but today i manage to cook a set of 'masak lemak cili api ikan patin' & 'kailan Goreng' + 'Telur dadar'
and i'm surprised my brother ask me to add on some extra fish .... lapar sangat ke? (sorry bro.. letih suddah masak.. mau makan lagi goreng sendri then cebur je dlm itu kuah..wkakakak).
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Monday BLueS..!!!~

aku sangat malas mau kerja esok...
seriously i'm not in the mood to start working after about 2 weeks hanging around doing nothing..
2 weeks of holiday should be enough for me to refresh myself... but i never did..
true .. i'm not doing my official job..i'm resting from working... but my mind didn't...
it seem like my mind won't let my brain from taking the holiday...
i've been doing lots of thinking recently.. don't ask me what did i think about..
i didn't know how to answer that!!~
maybe i need a proper vacation where i spent my time alone peacefully in an island maybe?? haha
i'm counting days for the next school break...mwakakkaka..
-={LurvE Ya...}=-
Saturday, June 13, 2009
haPpy FatheR's day ..!!~

i never had the chance to
confess that i lurve you...
but i want u to know that i do..
happy father's day abah...
-[with lurve]-
uYa, aiSH, Uda, aBanG, Yan
P/s: to all the fathers and father's to be... happY father's day buddies !!!~..
{smuga jadi aYah YanG TerbaeK buat sahaBaT-sahabaT ku!!~}
p/p/s: sLamat hari bapa inchek... may aLL the happiness be with You!!~ (-_-')
Friday, June 12, 2009
Dedicated To.. [You Know who You aRE..!!~]
don't let thing hanging just like that..
stop playing around.. you're not a teenager anymore..
you may not realized that someone is hurt because of u..
don't act like nothing goes wrong..
that's not good dear..
don't simply take everything as easy as ur abnormal life..
wake up and be normal...
people smiling at u doesn't meant they like u...
people laughing with u doesn't meant that they're laughing inside too..
they just wanna you to be happy..
don't just think of ur own self...
think of other people too..
wake up and try to change...!!~

p/s: May all The HappineSS be WiTh You...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
aRggGGggGHHHHH !!~

this is what happen when u have to do someone else work..
delay..delay... delay..
sangat x ikhlas..
and it'll end up by paying someone else to finish it up for u..hahaha

sorry areteam.. terpaksa susahkan ko.. aku sangat..sangat xde mood nak buat data entry ni..hehe
i'll pay u later ya..huhu
wasn't born to be a cook.!!~
i'm not a good homemaker..
i can't cook..
i can't clean up the house..
i can't even fold the clothes neatly..
i can't even manage myself..
how can i be a good homemaker?
it's been a week me and mom wasn't at home..
nothing much in the fridge to be cook..
it took a while before i decide to actually cook..
no fresh vegetable .. no meat or anything else other than couple of fishes..
it remind me how i survive in campus..
illegally bring my rice cooker, me and my friend cook lots of meal..
we cook tom yum.. mushroom soup... fried rice.. cekodok.. porridge..
we even cook mee hun soup with that rice cooker..
pengalaman... pengalaman....
rendu pulak kt ukm.. kt chermai college...
being a student surely teach me lot's of thing..

Kentang goreng.. sangat senang di masak with rice cooker..
in fact we don't need fridge to keep the potato isn't it? huhu
so LittLe Time so MucH To Do...!!!~

I have Lot's of work to be done..
as usual.. i'm delaying my work... haha
i'm always like that...
whenever i got lots of works to be done.. i'm delaying...
what's the exact word huh?? Procrastinating??
instead of finishing my works.. i'm blogging?? hahaha..
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
BaD mouth???
some people allergy to shrimp paste..
some people allergy to dust..
some people allergy to sea food..
some people allergy to fruit..etc..
me?? i'm allergy to anything with shrimp paste...dust and this fruit called kuini..
my face get itchy whenever i ate anything with shrimp paste or whenever i'm in a space with lots of dust..
i get itchy lips whenever i ate kuini... and it's not just itchy.. it become like this....
but it wasn't caused by a kuini..i just knew it..... i keep thinking what did i eat that cause all this... but i found nothing... i didn't eat kuini lately... hurm... was it because that turkish candy my aunt gave to me? i don't know.. but i hate this... it's hurt.. and it's ugly to have that weird thing on ur lips... adoi lah....
a Pack weeK - eNd??!!~

iT's a schooL holiDay.. everyone knew that.. what else can I do other than thinking hard where should i go spending my on.. (like i have much..huh)
since i didn't follow my mom to Bukit Tinggi.. I decided to drive mY abby to aMpang lpak2 with akak, my cousin.. furthermore i already promised my long time buddy Kamarul 'sLam' shahir & zaYana Zahira to hang out with them.. ask pacat, my '7 years younger than me' cousin to accompany me.. paid her a sum of money since she had to close her ABC stall for several days..she insist to drive her car.. i was like.."oh sure!!~" (driving her car mean i don't need to drive at all... YeaY!!~... i don't drive 'auto' maa).. though i know i have to double up the expenses by bringing pacat but still.. i don't have to drive..hahahaha...
Left Muar around 6-7 pm, on tuesday then arrived at ampang 2 and a half hour later.. 'Laju'?? hell yeah... but not as 'laju' as my abby performance (on the highway lah i meant...huhu).. don't go anywhere that nite since it's nite already..
The next day we went to sunway Piramid to done some window shopping and meet CT Tito,my buddy since matriculation.. but she didn't show up due to some miscommunication..hahaha... i need a new pair of shoe for outing.. decided to buy another sckechers or crocs lor but guess what?? i didn't know why it's hard to find size 7 for this 2 Label.. (normally i'm the easiest one to get suitable size for my feet..).. oh .. it's not hard to get maa.. it's "size 7 da habis.." then i ask for another design. it goes "pun da abis" the same answer i get to all design i choose.. i even ask for the ugliest design and still i get "size 8 ada lah.."... wTF... is not happening at sunway branch only maa... i get the same answer for Mid Valley outlet... huh.. told my cousin "aku rasa crocs n sckechers da x buat lah size 7"...wakakakka... I end up with no shoes in my shopping bag maa... Luckily i bought a pair of Dr Cardin sandal since my mom wear my old skechers to Bukit Tinggi before.. Looking for converse saja lah after this... (-_-'). shoes are out from the shopping list.. i need to find a wallet to replace the current one.. and i found what my eyes lurve to see... an army green united colours of benetton with genuine leather.. (i know.. it's not guess..mng or anything expensive lor..but still i can save half the price of a rm400 wallet by choosing this one...erk.. before less lor..huhu)
thanx goodness i met cik Na at mid valley utk lupakan seketika my frustration..mwahahaha... cik na looks like sheila rusly lah lately.. why ah? is it because she's a wartawan hiburan who full with gossip?? hahaha... promise cik na i'll buy her lunch but i'm too late to pay for her veggie..sorry cik na (sorry juga for didn't have the chnce to bring my abah 'satay goreng' hehe)..hehe.. sLam buy us dinner last nite.. (me, z and pacat).. i have to meet him course i've promised to test out his d90 (strong reason ka?..wakakka)... no lah.. i've to meet him because he's my best buddy lor.. even my mom n aunts knew him.. so it's kinda safe to go anywhere with him after this..hahaha.. (oh.. mak.. slam kem salam..)
i met cik na already.. slam..z.. bentayan degil + don firdaus (not in the plan... but thanx guys for the tips...huhu)... who else ya....(rewinding memories... scanning..scanning...) oh ya.. went to gurl's to visit her and he kids.. they are growing fast.. the last time i visit them irfan is like a new born who knows nothing... now? irfan is so chomey running here and there... climbing the chairs etc.... hehe.... who else did i met ya..oh no.. that's all.. itu saje yang sudi jumpa aku kah? haha.. (oh shoot.. i forgot to meet aisha asmir & mamat sh4rp...adoi abis lah jd bahan..)
now u know why did i always in KL? i've friends there lor.. next holiday i'm planning for ... where else Penang + utara lor... my fave place..huhu.. have my northern brothers there...
Heading back to Muar, johor, saTurday 6 am in the morning...planning to change the car then heading to Kempas, johor for our parent's cousin wedding at first.. un fortunately my car battery was totally kong maa.. (can't even unlock the alarm..) we have to do what we have to do first lah.. need to change battery with pacat's car to start the engine.. went to workshop to changed pacat's fused since my very clever cousin, jeman suddah salah pasang cable battery maa.. then we heading to pagoh to park pacat's car at our uncle's house and drive fast & furiously (i'm driving lah) to kempas.. by the time we arrived at pagoh.. the other group was like already in machap area... we are about 20-30 minutes behind them.. but we managed to catch them up at kempas higway exit (of course they need to wait a little bit lah... not more than 15 minute i guess..enough for their w.c stop..huhu)
the next day i need to pick mum up at malacca and went back home.. Muar - Rengit was only about 2 and a half hours journey but i need to stop twice one for fuel stop and the 2nd one was for refreshment.. i was too sleepy to drive but i need to drive since mom was surrender from driving already.. she had a very long journey from bukit tinggi - Dumai and she need her rest.. (macam lah mak nk drive my car..ceh).. the main reason that we have to get back home that night was because both of us were working on monday..wakakakak... Letih oOOoo..
Gurl's Precious... [Imran, sYarmin & iRfan]
Cik Puan ZaYana ZahiRa Isa
En KamaRuL 'SLamDunk' ShahiR Karim..

On the way To Gurl's place..

I'm in such a hurry.. Diorg sebuk2 nak amek gambar..huh

The Cam wHorers cousin... huhu
slam witH His D NooTY [eh tu ayie nyer..hehe]
Monday, June 8, 2009
HeadaChe oh heaDacHe..!!~

weird huh??
they said coffee & migraine Can't get along..
but why did this article stated that coffee (dust) + lime can cure headache?
it taste good too..
even korean lurve this drink..(seen in korean movie lor..huhu)
p/s: i get the wrong idea all this time... i've been drinking ice lime coffee everytime i got headache...(purposely actually since i don't drink hot beverages..hoho)
plus i replace the lime with 'limau kasturi'..huhu
Friday, June 5, 2009
aKoE seDeY..!!~
out of nowhere i'm a little bit sad lately.. i guess...
my heart is crying out.... the tears try to get out but i prevent it so hard from falling ..
the expression are unpredictable..
one minute i came out with a happy face....
one minute later i was like eating 100Kg of tamarind...
another minute i was like no emotion...
don't know what am I thinking but i'm sure i don't like those feeling...
feel like crying but forcing myself not to...
kinda tired from having those feeling.. it makes me looks stupid...
give me haedache that force me to take paracetamol to reduce it....
but still i don't know what to do..