Adoi ter Go Public lah plaK...bley lak ter mention abit this blog on my FLicKr....wakakaka...siLLy mE!!~

This entry duplicated from my FlickR
lately i've been thinking that i really wanted to start blogging again...
i'd been blogging since friendster introduced their service a(lama kan? huhu)...then i went for blogspot to express "the art in me" (it's mean a private blog.. open for my bff only.. my aunt and cousin are friendstering so i need to cabut from fster blogging..huhu)... playing with lights and colours with my munchkin avoiding me from spending my time blogging.. (been too busy getting to know my munchkin but still x reti-reti jugak guna..haha)
lately.. i trying to get use to the keyboard (i meant practising my typing skill lor..)..and i start posting on my personal blog (not the official one lah... that one need more concentration and fact..huhu).. and Yes.. i'm blogging agian..!!~
1. i'm tired of seeing lots of light and colours!!~
2. i've to distract myself to something that will keep me busy from thinking...
3. i've no one to hang out with me on weekend since dwi 'bawa diri' to sarawak... (it's not like i
don't wanna u to go babes.. it just i don't wanna to be left alone here :'( .... and z are too busy to ' balek kg' lately)
4. i started to read blogs again... (d*mN people nowadays are quite creative in expressing thing
in their mind).. so i feel like blogging again..huhu
5. I get creative when i go 'jiwa kacau' ... i need to express it since no one there anymore to be
my shoulder to cry...wakakaka
6. Shutter Count: 50463 + another coulpe of hundreds (aiyo.. suddah lebey sparuh maa.. need
to be prepare for a new hobby...wakakaka)
oh gosh.. i told u i need to start blogging...
see...?? i'm blogging on my flickr...hahah
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