today was quite stressful to me..
though it is the last day of school before a 2 weeks holiday..
early in the morn my GPK ask me to write a report on a bowling tournament.. (a job that supposed to be done a month ago u ask me to do it on my last day working??? ... u're sucks dude..)
then after the 'before holiday meeting' the PE chief with his bestest smile and sweet spoken ask me to help him to settle up some data entry that had to be hand over on May 30th ...which mean tomorrow?? huh... dream off ... i told him that i'm going back to muar this evening and i won't be back untill next monday (june 8th i meant)... i tought i'll be escaped from that assignment.. hell not.. damn.. he ask the GPK KOKO permission to send it next week...huh... it's not like i'm trying not to do my job over here.. but it's really not my job.. not even supposed to be my business either... i'm not one of the 'panitia PJ' members...he just lurve to use my weakness (yes i hardly refuse to accept any job given) to escape from doing all the data entry..cet... the result?? i need to bring that bunch of 'data mentah' everywhere i go now!!~
i thought i could live my holiday peacefully ..without any job..assignment... etc.. but i was wrong.. besides those PE assignment.. i need to teach a science class for standard 6 students on june 8th.. then i need to prepare a programme book for a DUN programme.... adoi hai...
i could never have a peaceful holiday...uwaaaaa :'(
who said being a teacher is enjoyable?? have lots of holidays?? working half day only?? (yes the officially working hour is between 7.00 am to 1.10 pm but the work u have to bring home is like working 24 hours a day dude...!!!~ even in sleep u'll be thinking the job that haven't finished yet..huhu) + we works on Saturday too!!~
owh.. off topic lah pulak..
back to the original topic..
flickr members know i lurve outdoor outing.. everyone knows i'm going to genting this june 20th with the Butik Tee member for a day outing.. i even confirm my attendance...
but today.. with all the guts i get.. i'm telling everybody that i can't make it.. why??
i recieved an sms this evening asking me either i'll be on my friend wedding.. (i should say my bff i think..erm..being bestfriends since industrial training at the zoo).. it was from anep.. cut it short... i'll retype the sms...
anep : siga saga! siga saga!
me : oi! oi! oi! (common respond for siga saga!...hehe)
anep : ko pe x chee kawen bln dpan?
me : Bulan depan eh? june? brapa hb?
anep : 20 jun kot.. gua jd pengapit doh..
me : 20 june??? alemak.. aku ade program lah... ade outing kt genting.. da 2 bln nyer plan...
anep : xde xde ... chee kawen babe.. chee tau...!!!~
me : -no reply- thinking... and more thinking.....
then i send a sms to chee
me : chee... ko nikah 20 june ke babes?
chee : -lambat reply-
i can't wait for his reply.. so i called
me : uit babes ko nyer wedding 20 june ke?
chee : haah.. nikah 20 .. sanding 21.. mox smua trun tau..
me : tau.. dia bgtau jd pengapit.. ko ni.. aritu aku tanya ko xmo bgtau date.. aku da ade programme tu 20 jun tu.. ade outing kt genting.. da 2 bln plan babes..
chee : ngan family ke?
me : no lah.. ngan member2 flickr.. photography...
chee : ye lah boy..aku ingat nak buat surprised... x tau lah pulak skarang member busy dgn lah ... kawan2 baru lebey penting dr kawan2 lama.. (damn.. dia suddah buka ayat merajuks..huhu) u choose new friend over old friend...
me : -take a deep breath- adoi hai.. dah dah diam.. ok aku pergi.. diorang overnite ke babes? ada place utk overnite x? jauh tu nk berulang..
chee : umah aku for my family .. but i've prepare place utk kawan2... mcm tu lah boy.. hehe
me : oklah aku overnite gak... adoi.. kna gak aku g kl beli jiwa kawan2 time cuti ni..huh.. abis lah
aku kena kutuk..akeke..k lah.. aku g.. chiow..
chee : ok.
then i get back to anep
me : ok aku trun...
anep : cara..cara..
it's a tough decission to make when u have to choose between friends... but this time i've chose old buddy over Flickr buddy.. i'm sorry guys (
eshazli especially)... me and them ..we'd been friends since 2002.. and as
mike said.. "xpe lah.. outing hari2 kawen skali je" huhu...
p/s: to all my friends.. lurve u guys...
for me once a friend forever a friend... unless u hated me so much and didn't wanna be my friends anymore...huhu

Teringat zaman dolu-dolu with them....
Palm CiveT post mortem... my Fave acTivities...

Penguin Post Mortem

Me and rest of the cLan... (so unbalanced.. who took this pic ya??)