me and ayie from azam..
i can't download this image so the only i can do is to blog this..huhu
Thursday, July 30, 2009
18-55mm je
selamat petang cikgu!!~
last friday..sangat buhsan..
i'm supposed to fetch dewi at pontian untill she called me up and cancel the original plan.. then she ring me up again ask me and z to wait for her at batu pahat.. as we changed our way she sent a sms and changed the plan again.. huh.. as we expected... hahaha
feeling frustrated i decided to have a unplanned visit to sawah sagil.. z has nothing to disagree with my suggestion.. she said once we escaped from the house let's make it worth it..wakakaka.. (that's my word actually..huhu)..
i ring ayie up asking permission from him to visit Sawah sagil... FIY Sawah sagil is under his territory...wakakakakaka.
as i arrived at the paddy field ayie was no where to be found.. so i decided to visit the old mango tree we used to hang out.. couple of minutes after that ayie came on his bike with his beloved D'nooty..
considering that azam live quite far from sawah sagil i didn't ask him to join us.. as this wasn't a well plan visit.. but ayie didn't think so.. he as azam to came along joining us that evening.. poor azam.. he had to ride couple miles just to accompany me decreasing my shutter release...hahaha i appreciated it though..
and here are some pix of me and z from azam n ayie lens...
thanx guys..
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
bOrN RaisEd & StrAp

haha.. tHis is another masterpiece from azam the redcili..
the best ever..
i like...
Monday, July 20, 2009
I got the 'Power"??!!~ haha
after hanging around at Rakan Muda Karnival yesterday ayie, azam and I went to Pantai Perpat Laut for a Tag along with Jas & areteam.. i'm not in the mood of shooting the newly wed couple...
As azam playing around with my d40x + 70-300mm lens and i'm trying to finish up the film in my f55 we have this "i captured you...You captured me' situation... and this is from azam view and ideas.. he ask me to hold the bulb and told me to pose like and old lady as i'm holding the stick in my hand.. i've emailed him several image he wanted and he decided to come out with this one.. see how electromagnetic i am.. i can light up a bulb babes (^_^)/ LOL...wkaakkakak
Sunday, July 19, 2009
adoi hai..
skali aku kena candid dah..
bila kamera suddah di tangan...
mood untuk menembak suddah mari..
aq x pernah amek tau apa yang berlaku di sekeliling..
x pernah nak amek tau people are looking at me and waiting for the perfect moment to candid me.. hahaha
this is what happen when i didn't alert of someone like eshazli while outing with my buddy...hahaha
Friday, July 17, 2009
me and the new member..
from MNJ's view.
saying hi to my flickr buddy sang pencinta ratu for the 1st time..
while hanging around with SPR and his friend zahira ...azman n zonedesign, MNJ pointing his lens on us.. as usual my 'tindakan refleks' ..jelir lidah...!!~ wakakakka
Group Photo Malacca Street Outing
group photo for saturday outing..
half of them are already went home.. this is the rest who stay..
thanx all for the fun time.. appreciate the knowledge and friendship gained..
looking forward to be with u guys again...huhu
pic cilok from huda pancit's flickr who cilok from eshazli's page..huhu
Black Parade
this is from m_rizal view...
event: malacca outing..
date : July 11th 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
aLLerGy.. oh ALLerGy..!!~
LasT saturday i went to the mall .. once i step into the mall and started to feel the freezing air condition.. my palm started to get itchy.I went there again yesterday i still face the same problem...this time my feet get itchy i made up the is because the poor ventilation..
but today i started realising that my conclusion was totally wrong.. i bought an ice cream from a student (malaysian style ice cream).. once i hold the the ice cream my palm started to get itchy.. this time worse than before..i scratched & rub the palm until it become warmer.. the itchness is gone but the palm is getting a little bit swollen..and numb..
since i was a kid i rarely gone to the doctor ..unless i can't stand the pain.. so i ask my mom whom a nurse about my problem.. and she said
"tu nama nye allergy sejuk.."
i was like..
"what? allergy sejuk? boley plak ? ade gak penyakit tu eh?"
all i know is i do suffer from allergy but only to dust and some food...and not this 'allergy sejuk'.. yes, it's true .. i can't stand cold weather but never get itchy maa...i sit back and started to remember .."oh... now i remember..!" i do face this problem several time before... it's just become worse..
do i have to go for an official medical diagnosis?
p/s: a blanket or at least a jacket and a pair of socks is a must for me everytime i went to sleep.. huhu.. (plus watching Tv in the living room.. i hate it when my bro put on the aircond to the max..haha)